I have spent many days lately traveling back and forth between northern New York and Vermont to help freinds deal with this.
">Rain, rain and more rain.
This has been going on for 7 weeks and we are unsure when it will get normal, maybe we need to get used to a new normal.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
My hope is that as more of this happens and the Dearthers and Birthers and Birchers and Bigoters and Afraiders and Stupiders and Ignoranters and Notlikemers and... you get the point...
What you are about to see is how reasonable and rational people speak and think and most of what we read today are only snippets and sound bites that a the hallmark of bomb throwers and fire starters. They are not rational people. They have hate for a president in their hearts, empty as they are, and have lost the ability to reason logically and rationally. His restrain from going postal on the children is almost palpable. I think back to a friend of his in the Illinois legislature who said of his arrival in DC " He'll cut them off at the knees so quick, they'll think they were born short" and I know he has angered many of us, but he also has constraints put upon himself by the office that he holds and I believe he is doing his best.
This bullshit about doing away with Medicare and Medicade is just a ruse to bury the fact that republicans are going to cave to prevent a gov't shutdown from their T partey folks and most of the blog world has siezed it as fact.
keep your eyes on the ball folks.
Think about it. Piss of all the retired and soon to be retired?
Talk about the t parteey being used? so are alot of folks on our side.
This would be my union... We could set the parameters by industry so that no matter what size company you work for you could join. Just like credit unions.
Because I believe that this whole adgenda of Republicans has or will do more to point out the value of u nions to the American people as a way to group together and get a seat at the table alongside management and owners and when all of the folks who went out today to maech in protest if is happening and find out that the MSM went, meh on it, will just be emboldened to continue. Nobody likes being snubbed.
Least those that do who are "educated and polite and are elites". snark!
when the republicans have inserted their... so far into... that they are pushing their... off the bed ...and gets up and slaps them...puches them...kicks them out of the ...
Another victim in politics. I see a pattern, do you? Lets see how much traction this gets. Poor guy, after all these years he still feels what, abused and downtrodden, ca mon, he is a U.S. Senator. Poor me does not cut it with me.
Where are all of the leaders, be them dictators or Kings, going to land when all is said and done once they are overthrown by their countrymen? Pay attention. I am.
Thursday Check-In From the Sea
Still on the sea. Still enjoying the respite from the world. Tonight I host
my “Nerd Prom” dance party. Three hours of hopping about! And then
ibuprofen. I...
We Are More Fucked Than We Know in the USA
If you burn down your house, you can rebuild it. It sucks and you'll have
lost a bunch of meaningful things and useless shit that you'll miss, but,
We Don’t Need A New Theory Of EVERYTHING
Though things have indeed changed since this video was produced, it still
makes the infinitesimally tiny point! “Luminous beings are we; not this
That's Mr. Award Winning Artist to you
The poster for my next show at Ravenworks Gallery in Johnson City, TN. All
are welcome except for anyone named Iwaniszek.
Also, I won the Believe in...
Saturday Emmylou Blogging
Note: Blogspot has changed its template for posting and I can't make any
sense of it so this may be my last post. Sorry. Adios. Thanks to Fuzzy
Legends Arc...
blog update
Realized it's been months since I have blogged and literally years since I
posted regularly. For those of you who still follow the site (somewhere
between ...
The Sound Of Not Silence
Towards the end of last week the Blue Angels were in town for weekend
shows. There were many flyovers. Did a number of videos just because but
there was so...
Meanwhile in bizarro world…
This is a take so hot, it’s officially 2 Hot 2 Touch, by one Douglas Heye:.
Trump is uniquely positioned to cut a deal to prevent school shootings
Wait, do...
I'm Still Alive
I haven't had a chance to post pictures of the latest ice palace. However,
if you go to the "search engine" on the blog and type in "ice palace" you
will f...
game over...
[image: Music][image: Playlist]
Music Playlist at MixPod.com
The luck ran out this morning....the South Troy Dodgers lost to an
undefeated team who wa...